Surgery on Sunday
Our first client, Surgery on Sunday, is an award-winning organization providing essential outpatient surgery to uninsured and underinsured individuals. Sixty percent of their patients have a preferred language other than English.
Lexington Habitat for Humanity
Lexington Habitat for Humanity has been a client since 2018. We provide both onsite and phone/video interpreting for their homeowner's program.
Kentucky Refugee Ministries
Access Language Solutions/Kentucky Interpreter & Translator Association and Kentucky Refugee Ministries-Lexington work to identify and train medical interpreter candidates. KRM financially supports qualified candidates in earning an entry-level medical interpreter certificate.
Marafiki Center
Jambo! Our newest partner is the Marafiki Center. The organization’s mission is to promote the Swahili language and culture. The Marafiki Center sent three Swahili speakers to The Community Interpreter Online in the summer of 2023 where they earned a 40-hour medical interpreter certificate.
Kentucky Interpreter and Translator Association
The Kentucky Interpreter and Translator Association’s goal is to provide continuing education opportunities and a forum for interpreters and translators to exchange knowledge and experience. We promote professionalism and public awareness of the importance of providing qualified language services for the Limited-English Proficient (LEP) community as well as the Deaf and hard of hearing community. KITA embraces the participation of the professional interpreter, those who work with interpreters, and those who have an interest in furthering the profession of interpreting and translation.
We Are Honored To Serve

Lexington Fayette Urban County Government

Community Response Coalition

Surgery on Sunday

Lexington Habitat for Humanity

The Nest Lexington

The Refuge Clinic

Clark County Health Department

Scott County Schools

Jessamine County Schools
we are proud members of

Association of Language Companies


Lexington Nonprofit Network

National Council on Interpreting in Health Care

Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels