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This page is for existing clients. If you are not currently an Access Language Solutions client but would like to be, please fill out our brief intake form.

Interpretation Requests

For pre-scheduled onsite, phone or third-party platform (i.e. Zoom, Google Meets, etc.) your options are:

  1. Log into your Boostlingo account here or by using the button below
  2. Fill out the request form here

NOTE: IF YOUR NEED IS LESS THAN TWO BUSINESS DAYS AWAY, PLEASE EMAIL US AT scheduling@accesslanguagesolutions.org AND/OR CALL (859) 545-0950.

For current clients who need on-demand (immediate) phone or video interpreting, dial (859) 594-7238, enter your PIN, and request language. Here is a video showing how phone/video interpreting works.

Document Translation Request

If services are needed in less than two business days, email us at translation@accesslanguagesolutions.org or call us at (859) 545-0950. If your request is for proofing or editing of an existing translation, please include the English version. The preferred file format is MSWord. We will send you a quote and get your approval before proceeding.